Hi All
Sorry, I’ve been out of pocket lately. What can I say, life’s a bitch. Let me explain, Tuesday Feb, 29 after spending the day working in my yard preparing to show our home to perspective buyers I received a call form my oldest son, breaking the news to me that he just lost his job. He was devastated to say the least. I won’t go into the details however I reminded him that he was a licensed professional and people are looking for someone like him all the time. After talking to him for awhile and finely getting him to understand that this job wasn’t the last good job around and God had a plan for him, there was another ring on the line. I said my good buys to Josh and answered the other call to hear
“Mrs. K. has anyone called you about your son Calum?” {Youngest son} By the sound of this ladies voice I know it was going to be bad. She proceed to tell me that my son was in a pole vaulting accident and has broken his ankle and is waiting for my permission to give treatment at a local hospital. Let me make this store as short as possible because I really don’t want to relive these last 9 day again in writing. Calum has a badly broken left leg {both bones} witch required emergency surgery. He has an eight inch metal plate and 10 screws that will permanently stay in his leg. We call him the bionic boy. It’s been a rough 9 days, but he is a champ and is doing very good for all that he has been through. On the other note Josh was accepted for a job position the day after losing his old job. Not bad for a young 22 year old. My middle son, Aaron has been a very supportive bother. The only trouble is I won’t let him leave the house out of fear that something might happen to him.
Sorry, I’ve been out of pocket lately. What can I say, life’s a bitch. Let me explain, Tuesday Feb, 29 after spending the day working in my yard preparing to show our home to perspective buyers I received a call form my oldest son, breaking the news to me that he just lost his job. He was devastated to say the least. I won’t go into the details however I reminded him that he was a licensed professional and people are looking for someone like him all the time. After talking to him for awhile and finely getting him to understand that this job wasn’t the last good job around and God had a plan for him, there was another ring on the line. I said my good buys to Josh and answered the other call to hear
“Mrs. K. has anyone called you about your son Calum?” {Youngest son} By the sound of this ladies voice I know it was going to be bad. She proceed to tell me that my son was in a pole vaulting accident and has broken his ankle and is waiting for my permission to give treatment at a local hospital. Let me make this store as short as possible because I really don’t want to relive these last 9 day again in writing. Calum has a badly broken left leg {both bones} witch required emergency surgery. He has an eight inch metal plate and 10 screws that will permanently stay in his leg. We call him the bionic boy. It’s been a rough 9 days, but he is a champ and is doing very good for all that he has been through. On the other note Josh was accepted for a job position the day after losing his old job. Not bad for a young 22 year old. My middle son, Aaron has been a very supportive bother. The only trouble is I won’t let him leave the house out of fear that something might happen to him.
Today, we went to get the stitches out of Calums leg and put the hard cast on. It wasn’t as easy and pain free as we were told it would be. Let me just once again say that Calum is much stronger than I. I sat at his side with big tears running down my face and I thought I might pass out form holding my breath while the nurse stretched his Achilles to prepare for the cast. I’m not sure how meny staples there where but the Doctor thought about 35.
I have a lot of gruesome pictures of Calums journey; however I will spare you the gore.
I have a lot of gruesome pictures of Calums journey; however I will spare you the gore.
Super Bowl with you.
I would like to thank all of the wonderful people that came to the hospital to show their love and concern for Calum and his recovery. Also thank you to the friends and family that have continued to cheer Calum on.
I personally want to thank my two best friends Tamaria {Mom} and Kim for being there for me.