I finally finished painting our Grandson's little baby bed. This sweet little bed is a very special hand me down from Grandpa Herzik. My DH's Grandfather built 2 of these sweeties for him and his twin sister Debbie. The mattress's were special ordered just for these baby beds. The date on the mattress reads July 20, 1961. That make them almost 48 years old. All three of our Son's slept in this bed and now its time for our Grandson to have sweet dreams in the same bed that his Daddy and Grandfather did years ago.
I cant wait until He gets here
I almost cry every time I think about what its
going to be like to have a baby around againLove Nana
I friends,
I'm trying to keep true to the beachy feel around here
Hello, my name is Julia and welcome to my cottage by the sea. Will it's not really a cottage by the sea, our little cottage is by the Espirito Santo Bay in Port O'Connor Texas. The Captain and I are living the dream life of our youth. I enjoy fishing as well as combing the beach for treasures. The Captain and I are newly empty nesters and rewriting our love store. I created this blog in 2007 mostly for my entertainment but I love to share. Please grab a cup of tea or coffee if you like and stay awhile.