Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happenings Around Here

Bedroom decorating
Discovering my new style isn't as easy as I thought it would be. I'm trying to keep things very simple and remember that less is more. Not easy for some one who has always believed that three or more of everything is best. Here is a looksy at what I've done so far.
I painted my bed side lamps white. I think they need new shades but I'm trying not to spend any money on decorating .
Every since I gave up spending money on magazines I make a weekly trip to Good Will Books and pick up someone elses give aways for only .25

Trying to keep in line with the "beachy style"
New certins from Lowes

Nanas conner for Christapher


1 comment:

Kim said...

You've been a busy little blogging bee today!